Wednesday, January 13, 2021

How Common is PTSD in Veterans? PTSD: National Center for PTSD

Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct a study to better understand the psychological effects of being in combat in the Vietnam War. The National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study found that approximately 15% of the 2.7 million Americans who served in the Vietnam war had PTSD. Some psychotropic medications have beendemonstrated to be effectivetreatment options for people with PTSD.

For each model, multivariate-adjusted HRs were calculated control for the other variables. A person may feel as though there is no hope or escape from their symptoms, leading them to contemplate suicide. This change was necessary because these groups are unique and do not all qualify for the same benefits and services, therefore they require individualized outreach strategies, the VA said in a statement.

Public Health

Using MEG, researchers discovered that alpha brain waves in individuals with PTSD, but not mTBI, showed reductions in network structure . Their findings provide another way for clinicians to differentiate between the two conditions. VA's National Center for PTSD is the world’s leading research and educational center of excellence on PTSD and other consequences of traumatic stress. It currently consists of seven VA academic centers of excellence across the United States, with headquarters in White River Junction, Vermont. VA researchers are working to better understand the underlying biology of PTSD, advance new treatments, and refine diagnostic approaches. Ongoing studies range from investigations of genetic or biochemical foundations of PTSD to evaluating new treatments and drugs.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing—EMDR also helps to change the way individuals with PTSD react to memories of their trauma. While thinking of or talking about their memories, people undergoing EMDR therapy focus on other stimuli like eye movements, hand taps, and sounds. A 2013 study of randomized clinical trials of treatments for PTSD by the National Center for PTSD found that EMDR was an effective psychotherapy for the disorder, along with CPT and prolonged exposure therapy. There are many treatment options available for veterans who are suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. Processing the trauma and beginning the healing process is the goal of experiential therapies such as art therapy and adventure therapy.

➤Main treatments for PTSD

The good news is, though, that there are many in the medical and legal world here to help Veterans get the benefits they deserve and the treatment they need. If you are a Veteran and believe that you are experiencing PTSD symptoms, it is crucial to seek the proper diagnosis and treatment you need to alleviate the symptoms. The Iraq War caused numerous Veterans to experience PTSD and other related mental health problems. Many can never comprehend what some Veterans went through during that war. Veterans returning from these operations are also predisposed to substance abuse to cope with the symptoms of mental illness. In the past, many did not understand the seriousness of PTSD and how it affected War Veterans’ lives.

Though many researchers have sought to understand the prevalence of PTSD among military veterans, their efforts have produced divergent PTSD statistics. Because the field of psychiatry has defined and assessed PTSD in various ways over time, estimates of prevalence vary widely. Shell shock was finally coined in World War I, and the link between the physical horrors of war and the emotional toll of death and violence was finally made.

National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study

By conducting careful assessments of Veterans with and without combat-related PTSD and analyzing DNA samples , researchers hope to help pinpoint genetic variants that contribute to or protect against PTSD. Genetic risk factors for PTSD—A large international study involving several VA researchers that examined genetic risk factors for PTSD was completed in 2017. The study included some 200 billion pieces of genetic information from more than 20,000 adults throughout the world. The VA Palo Alto Health Care System is now conducting a randomized controlled trial of the PTSD Coach app to see whether it is effective in reducing PTSD symptoms and whether it increases Veterans’ use of mental health care. VA offers evidence-based treatments for PTSD that have helped many Veterans.

These experiences can leave a person severely affected and often take years to heal from. The investigators reviewed data on nearly 500,000 former service members who underwent PTSD treatment in the VA health care system from 2008 to 2013. They found that Veterans with PTSD were also more likely to die than other Americans from diabetes and chronic liver disease, and were 5% more likely to die from any cause. They were less likely to die from cerebrovascular disease, which can cause stroke or brain aneurysms, or from cancer. PTSD Coach application—VA's National Center for PTSD has developed a smartphone application called PTSD Coach that helps Veterans and others learn about and manage PTSD symptoms.

Symptoms of PTSD often go along with other conditions for military service members after they return to civilian life. PTSD has a high rate of comorbidity with other health issues and mental disorders, such as depression, physical health problems, and substance abuse. In 2021, about 75 percent of U.S. veteran and active service survey respondents stated they have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their military service after 9/11.

how many veterans come home with ptsd

However, it is now recognized as a severe mental health problem that can even affect Veterans physically. In addition to filing for disability benefits from the VA, any Veteran with PTSD can benefit from seeking treatment. Medication, therapy, and other treatments can make a significant difference in how PTSD affects your life. The VA is also more likely to continue granting you disability benefits if you consistently seek treatment for your disability. The investigators used a standard test called flow-mediated dilation to gauge how well an artery in the arm expands in response to the squeezing of a blood pressure cuff. The blood vessels of 67 Veterans with PTSD expanded 5.8%, whereas among a control group of 147 Veterans without PTSD, blood vessels expanded 7.5%, on average.

There are several ways that military service members can prepare for and respond to traumatic events that may help prevent PTSD. With more awareness about the risks of PTSD, people with high-risk jobs have more options to help safeguard against this disorder. The most easily identified causes are major threats to your life that result in injury or nearly result in injury or death.

how many veterans come home with ptsd

Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. The treatment of PTSD is multidimensional, including medication, therapy, and in recent years, mindfulness-based treatments have provided an alternative to managing both PTSD and chronic pain. In fact, the diagnosis of PTSD historically originates from observations of the effect of combat on soldiers. The grouping of symptoms that we now refer to as PTSD has been described in the past as "combat fatigue," "shell shock," or "war neurosis." In individuals with PTSD, the brain and body experience acontinued sense of dangerlong after the actual threat has passed.

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